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Bulletproof Chai Tea Latte

bulletproof chai tea

You’ve probably seen many recipes online and new bottled drinks featuring “bulletproof coffee” recipes. The idea behind this morning cuppa is essentially that starting the day with a drink loaded with high fats and little to no carbohydrates is supposed to encourage your body to burn fat all day long. While I cannot and choose not to comment on the effectiveness of this beverage as a healthy weight loss tool, and generally do not endorse quick weight loss fads, I do know that butter generally makes anything very tasty. This drink is also gluten and dairy free friendly.

The basic recipe for this drink is usually  hot coffee, butter, plus a tablespoon of MCT oil (that’s medium chain triglyceride oil, the main fat found in coconut. Then you stick it in a blender until it’s all emulsified. Then you drink it.  Since I no longer drink coffee and really try to limit caffeine, I’ve created a caffeine-free chai tea version to enjoy.

2 cups water

2 caffeine free chai tea bags or 2 rooibos tea bags plus chai spices (I used rooibos chai tea bags plus cardamon, star anise, and a cinnamon stick)

1/2 cup coconut or unsweetened almond milk (I used almond milk)

2 T butter (organic, grass fed is best)

1 T organic coconut oil

ground cinnamon for garnish

optional: sweetener such as raw honey or stevia

Add water to small saucepan and add tea bags and chai spices. (If you drink caffeine, you may use black tea chai in this recipe.) Bring to boil, turn off heat and let sit for 5 minutes. Remove tea bags and spices and pour hot tea into a blender. Add the milk, butter, and oil and blend on high until emulsified. Pour into mugs and top with cinnamon if desired. Enjoy!


Written by Lori

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